Huiyue flip type automatic soldering machine button debugging instructions

2018-11-10 08:06:50 HUIYUECN 0

Huiyue flip type automatic soldering machine button debugging instructions

Huiyue flip type automatic soldering machine button debugging instructions

DongguanHuiyue Technology flip automatic soldering machine adopts the latestDSP microprocessor, NC control precision is high, positioning isaccurate, can store 99 parameters, each parameter can set 20 groups ofsteps, full LCD Chinese display, easy to operate, self Check function. PIDtemperature control, the temperature of the tin furnace is stable, thepositioning speed of the two-axis synchronous function is fast, andTransformer Automatic Taping Machine  therotation angle can be arbitrarily set by 360 degrees. Today, by Hui Yue Xiaobian, I will introduce you to the debugging instructions of the button.

0~9: A total of ten keys for inputting values.
Step setting: used to enter or leave the data setting state.
Product setting: used to set the target output.
Start step: used to specify the starting step of the memory.
End Step: Used to specify the end step of the memory.
Data selection: When editing, select the data item; during operation,switch to display the position of the soldering rod or the position ofthe rotating shaft.
Tinning action: When editing, it is used to specify whether the step needs to be tinned.
Tin Cup Action: When editing, it is used to specify whether the step requires tin cup movement.
Corner direction: When editing, it is used to specify the rotation direction of the step.
Horizontal movement: When editing, it is used to specify whether the step needs to be moved horizontally.
Auto Start: When editing, it is used to specify whether to run automatically when executing to this step.
壹: When editing, you can jump back to the step-by-step editing; instandby mode, press and hold for two seconds to reduce the output.
Clear: When editing, clear the number in the current edit to zero.
COPY: When editing, copy the data of the step-up sequence to the data item of the current step.
Input: When editing, write the data item in the edit to the memory
Time: Time and output display switching.
Return to zero: The output counter is cleared to zero.
Auto: Automatic cycle selection button, automatic cycle operation when the light is on.
Manual: Enter or exit the manual debugging interface. Jump: Forced to the position of the lower rod soldering rod; whenediting, teach the soldering rod or the rotating position to advance.
Retract: Force jump back to the upper rod soldering rod position; whenediting, teach the solder rod or rotate the position to retreat.
Reset: In any state, the current operation is terminated, reset, and returned to standby.
Parking: Pause operation.
Start: Start running in stop.
←: When editing, teach the soldering rod position to go up or the rotating shaft to turn counterclockwise.

→: When editing, the position of the soldering rod is turned down or the axis of rotation is turned clockwise.

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HUIYUECNautomation main product series: transformer magnetic core automaticwinding machine, automatic tape machine, automatic vacuum impregnationmachine, automatic flip soldering machine, and so on,Products are widely used in high and low frequency transformers, inductors, ballasts and motor manufacturers.Transformer manufacturers prefer a one-stop solution.

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